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![]() Samuel Orr | Isaac Norton | William Molett | Charles Molett | John Molett | Thomas Norris | Jacob Murff | Samuel Jennings Murphy
![]() ![]() ![]() Samuel Jennings Murphy
![]() ![]() ![]() Samuel joined for duty as 3rd Sergeant in Capt. James Hagan's Company, Mobile Dragoons in July 1861 in Mobile.
He became captain of his own company, Alabama Mounted Volunteers later called 3rd Alabama Cavalry Company F, 18 Nov 1861 at the age of 32 years old. Many of the soldiers for F company were recruited by him. In Nov 1861 Murphy's pay was $140 a month. Imagine risking life and limb for $140 a month. Obviously he fought for the cause and not the pay. Since shortly there after eggs went for $1.50 a dozen.
Samuel served the whole time of the war and by the end held the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
It is interesting to note that he was issued a Sharps Carbine rifle on the 20th day of December 1862 from Capt. Henry Myers Ordnance Officer.
Lee Murphy recently discovered this old family letter from his great grandfather Samuel Jennings Murphy.
![]() Transcription of letter from Samuel Jennings Murphy to wife on May 02, 1862 (by Lee Murphy 4/26/2009)
Rienzi, May 2 / 62
My Dear xxxx
I wrote you of my having been ordered to Corinth and yesterday wrote you a line on the (? Cars to Bahalak?) of my having been ordered immediately back here. The military now considers it doubtful if an attack will be made on Corinth and some think they will endeavor to flank our position there, or get in the rear; while others think they will attack this place and cut off all communications with Corinth thereby starving out instead of fighting our army.
Genl Little, who is commanding this part of Genl Price army complained very much to Head Quarters of their taking me away – he wrote to them about my company and told them it was necessary to have a good company here and mine was the best he had seen in the service. I had them out drilling a few days ago in presence of Genl Price’s army and I surprised all their officers. A graduate of West Point told me it was the best drilled company he ever saw.
The cavalry about here generally are very inefficient from the fact that they are not drilled at all – They are more like a mounted rabble than real soldiers and will cause this branch of the service to fall much into (?disxxxx?).
I shall be anxious to hear of your arrival at Maj Allen’s and how you are fixed (?xx?). Tell the Major I wish he could send me that hay. I have moved my camp two miles from Rienzi to a dry place and near good water. Love to (?Smxxx?) and kiss my little (?xxxx?) – for Papa.
I wish you would always read Maj Allen such portions of my letters as will interest him – he will expect to hear from me and I have not much time to write.
(?xxx?) from your husband
SJ Murphy
![]() Samuel Jennings Murphy was born about 1829 in Greene county Alabama and died January 30, 1893 in New York City. He was the son of William and Mary (Inge) Murphy.
He was a member of the Protestant Episcopal church and a Mason.
He married Serena Deas in Mobile on the 25 May 2854.
And they had 7 children:
(Male) William Allen Murphy
(Female) Mary Murphy
(Male) Deas Murphy
(Female) Helen Murphy
(Male) Jennings Nott Murphy
(Male) Inge Murphy
(Male) Lee Anderson Murphy
1. Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Alabama, Capt. Morris' Co. (Mounted Men) Capt. Moses' Squadron, Cavalry Murphy's Battalion, Cavalry, Di-L & M-Z
2.Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Alabama, Third Cavalry
3. Letter and portrait supplied by Lee Murphy great grandson of Samuel Jennings Murphy
5. History of Alabama and Dictionary of Alabama Biography. By Thomas McAdory Owen. pages 1262 and 1263.
If you are a descendant or have stories or memorabilia about this unit contact Susette Cook. susette_cook@hotmail.com susette_cook@hotmail.com
By Susette Cook
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