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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Francis Y. Gains
![]() ![]() *Francis Y. Gains
*Francis Y. Gains 1 was Capt. Company A 3rd Regt Alabama Cavalry August 1862 age 39. Later be became a Major. He born2 in 1823 in Alabama and lived in Choctaw county, Alabama. He was the son of George P Gains.
*Francis was also listed by the name F. Y. Gains and Frank Y. Gains.
This a letter from his compiled Military Service Records:
![]() transcript of above letter:
Mobile June 18th 162 [1862].
Hon: Thos. H. Watts.
Dear Sir,
My friend Captain Francis Y. Gaines of Choctaw County Ala, wishes to be
appointed a Colonel of a Regiment and in the Conscript Cav. and I write in the
hope of enlisting your aid in his behalf. He is a son of Col. Geo. L Gaines
who is --?-- well known to you by reputation.
Captain Gaines served as a Leiutenant of Dragoons in the war with Mexico
and has for several months served inthe Confederate Army as Captain
of a Cavalry Company in Col. Mitson? Regiment and is still attached to that command.
He was in the battle of Shiloh and his company had the honor of serving as
the body of Genl A. L. Atkinson during this fight.
He is a gentleman of character and intelligence and is known to be a vigilant brave
and competent officer, respected and confided in by his men.
He is well qualified for the position he seeks and any efforts you may make to
further his wishes will be appreciated by
Ye friend,
Percy Mackez?
(end of letter)
Later Major F. Y. Gains resigned on 19 march 1863 at a camp near Shelbyville. He resigned because he was unable to perform his duties due to "Rheumatism and
disturbed bowels and (something else that I can not read) all these brought on
by exposure in camp for the last two winters. It was the opinion of E D Eiland,
Surgeon that F.Y. Gains would "likely to recover in the climate
of south Alabama where his home is, then benefited by treatment in camp or
1. 1850 Federal census, Alabama, Choctaw county, Northern Division, page 64.
2. United States. Record and Pension Office., Compiled Service records of Confederate soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Alabama., Washington C. C. : The National Archives, 1961-1962.Third Alabama Cavalry E-K 1861-1865 FHL#0880339.
If you are a descendant or have stories or memorabilia about this unit contact Susette Cook. susette_cook@hotmail.com susette_cook@hotmail.com
By Susette Cook
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